This Friday, May 1
st, the Canadian Bishops, in solidarity with many dioceses and countries throughout the world, will formally
consecrate the Church of Canada to Mary, Mother of the Church. This formal consecration will be done in order to seek her maternal intercession during the Coronavirus pandemic. Bishop Crosby will celebrate a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton on Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. and consecrate our Hamilton Diocese to Mary then.
We, your priests, will celebrate our daily Mass for St. Joseph and St. Anne Parishes at 8:00 am that same morning and consecrate our parish to the Mother of God. It is recommended that we use the Prayer of Consecration (and the Prayers of General Intercession and concluding prayer) that is provided for this celebration. Both prayers are linked below for your convenience.
I invite families and individuals to consecrate themselves and their homes to Mary, Mother of the Church, as together we pray for her maternal protection during this pandemic.
Let us confidently entrust our homes and our parish, our diocese and our country, to Our Blessed Mother. What a beautiful way to begin this month of May, dedicating ourselves to Mary by this consecration and by praying the rosary daily.
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Be blessed abundantly by God and be blessings to your family and friends!
Fr. Brian
April 29, 2020