Our readings remind me of the importance of repentance and the good that comes from accepting Jesus as our Messiah. In the first reading from the Acts, Peter heals a crippled man by invoking the name of Jesus. The crowd is amazed: Peter takes the opportunity to remind them that Jesus is the “Holy and Righteous One” and the “Author of Life”, that it is through repentance and our faith in Jesus as the Messiah that we are healed and given new life. They are true witnesses of God’s blessings.
In the Gospel, Jesus appears before the disciples and proclaims that repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name, that the disciples would again be witnesses to this great news. In both readings, we see the value of repentance as the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for our sins to be wiped away – a “refreshment” according to Peter. I believe that it is in this act of repentance that we rid ourselves of past sins and open our hearts and souls to the words of God. As such, we gain the opportunity to truly witness God’s great works. And maybe, not just witnessing, but becoming disciples of Christ.
We may not be able to cure a crippled man as Peter and John did, but we can engage in small and not-so-small acts that demonstrate we are witnesses of the Good News –a simple act of opening a door for a stranger, of volunteering at a shelter, of advocating for the marginalized, caring for the sick etc . We all have opportunities to witness God and to act as Jesus taught us.
I recently listened to a homily: I don’t remember where or when or by whom. The priest told the story of a man who was teaching at a university and was close to being appointed tenure when he resigned. A year later a former colleague bumped into him in a store and asked what he was doing. He said he had prayed and felt God wanted him to leave and to teach in an inner-city public school. The former colleague asked what it was like and he said he loved it. Then his former colleague asked the question that he really wanted to know – “So, what do you make?” For which he responded – “I make a difference.” God wants us to make a difference. Let’s take advantage of every opportunity to repent, to refresh, to become disciples by our acts of goodness toward others. We do want to make a difference, right?