In today's Gospel Jesus highlights that Pharisaic attitude from which we are never safe and into which we slip from time to time. When we believe we are okay, in reality, we continue to rinse our lives in the dirty water of presumption and hypocrisy, justifying our every act. We should have the courage to be afraid and imagine that the ideal of the Christian life consists in avoiding the old man making any of his own. From a pure and simple heart, only beautiful things will come out, not only that, in moments of "no", in moments of storm, in moments of discomfort, what in reality was already inside will come out of our heart; it is as if moments of grave difficulty have the power to reveal what is in our hearts. A good person, who has God in his heart, will be much more tractable in moments of trial, he will let himself be worked, he will be loved, he will be able to thank, he will be humble, he will know how to share.
On the contrary, a person with a hard heart in the moments of trial will unleash a storm that will come out in all its horror. It is not the suffering that makes a person become wicked, but it is the absence of God in the heart that makes his behavior horrible and hateful. A beautiful and pure heart makes the whole person shine and his behavior will be worthy of a disciple of the Lord. It is true that we are immersed in the ugly and negative things of the world, and it is also true that it is not easy to come out unscathed, but if we trust in God we will be able to bounce all the bad things and all the boredom, because God is our shield.
So, let's try to take responsibility for what we do or say, because if the world goes wrong, it is not always the fault of others. The others are always bad, we, the good ones, it means that they do not understand anything; probably because we don't agree to question ourselves. Let us ask the Lord to strengthen our faith and make our hearts similar to his, because only the pure in heart will have the privilege of seeing Him. Les us beg Him to help us, to give us the strength and patience so that He can change our heart of stone into a heart of flesh; so that our words correspond to the thoughts of the heart, thoughts of love of peace and justice.