Readings: Genesis 28:10-22; Psalm 91; Mt 9:18-26 We find two miracles narrated in today’s Gospel. There is something very similar in these two incidents. It has to do with the touch of Christ and faith in this touch.
A synagogue leader came up to Christ, did Him reverence and said, “My daughter has just died. Please come and lay your hand on her and she will come back to life”. The synagogue leader believes that if Jesus comes and touches her, she will rise again. He sees with faith that Christ has power over life and death. His faith in Christ’s touch is rewarded, for when He arrives at the house takes the girl by the hand and she arises.
The woman suffering for years from hemorrhage shows equally great faith in the touch of Christ. “If only I can touch His cloak,” she thought, “I shall get well”. Again, it was her faith that cured her. “Courage, daughter! Your faith has restored you to health”. This was Christ’s response to her faith in His touch.
We see the decisive actions of Jesus that He wanted to touch these people personally and bring grace and mercy. Elsewhere in the Gospels we read, “The sick were brought to Him and He touched them all”.
This is why our Lord came as our faith reaches up to touch Him, so His power and His goodness may reach out to touch us. You know, we need to walk and touch with faith as Christ Himself would stretch His hands to bless and cure us.
In His lifetime Jesus came in contact with people of faith by His physical presence, His words, His actions. He wished and planned to continue this presence by words and actions.
In the sacraments Jesus continues to touch by words and actions, as often as we reach out to Him with faith. In the Holy Eucharist Christ is present to touch us bodily, to nourish and make us holy. In Penance His words are real to forgive and heal us. In His Church the power of Christ, His words, His actions continue to touch. Amazing! Blessings. Fr. Mussie