First Reading: Numbers 21:4-9
Gospel: John 8:21-30
Today’s readings are about two themes, the Cross and the identity of Jesus. In the first reading the Israelites are asked to look on a pole with the bronze snake and be healed. The pole with the bronze snake across it looked like the cross: by dying on the cross Jesus brought us Salvation.
In the gospel reading the Jews were still asking Jesus who He was. They were still looking for proof. He gave it to them by saying "I am he," which was saying I am God. He goes on to tell them God is His Father.
In our Lenten journey we are looking for healing and forgiveness from our sins. In union with
the whole church let us again put our trust and faith in Jesus, that He will not only forgive us our sins but also heal us of this pandemic. May God bless and protect all of us.
Fr. Tom