First Reading: Acts 11:1-18
Psalm 42
Gospel: John 10:11-18
In the first reading we hear the growing pains of the early church. The first members were of Jewish origin and were living according to Jewish customs and ways of doing things. They still were following the laws of Moses.
Jesus came not to change the law of Moses but to fulfill it. St. Peter is given a vision describing the goodness of God's creation and that all the animals He gave us are good to eat. So, we Christians are not under the Law of Moses but are subject to the Laws of Christ. What Christ did was for all people not just for the Jews alone, thus making room for the Gentiles, which means you and me. The reading says,
"God has given even to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.”
The Gospel continues the theme of yesterday about Jesus being the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for us. Jesus freely laid down his life for us. He leads us through the church and the life of the sacraments that give us the graces we need to live our lives as followers of Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth. and the life.
Keep safe, my sisters and brothers. We have the Good Shepherd who is looking after us and protecting us from all harm.
God bless you.
Fr. Tom