Readings: Revelation 14:1-3, 4b-5; Psalm 24; Luke 21.1-4
In the Gospel, Jesus “also saw a widow put in two small copper coins.” She, too, saw rich people putting their larger gifts into the treasury. But the widow freely chooses to take an offering of only two coins. That’s what she has and she is not comparing herself to her neighbours. What do the two coins represent? Observing the temple scene, Jesus notes, “but she, out of her poverty, has put in all she had to live on.” What is the meaning of “poverty” and “all she had to live on?”
Is poverty only a lack of money or possessions? Does livelihood include what gives meaning and purpose to life, such as family, community, and thoughts of a hope-filled future?
What is the widow’s prayer as she drops the two coins in the treasury? Does she ask God to accept the gift of her whole life as a symbol of her desire to hand everything over to God? Considering she was a widow, maybe one coin could have symbolized her grief for everything that she lost. The second coin her fears for the future: what will she do now that she is alone? How does the widow feel as she walks away from the temple? Is she relieved? Has a new place opened up within her – a place where she once again feels welcomed by God and welcomes God to dwell within her?
2020 has challenged what we considered was “normal” – normal events of our life as we knew them. We have missed all sorts of celebrations, experienced cancelations and adjustments to family traditions (birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, reunions, etc.) and sacred rituals (Churches closed, for example), all “out of an abundance of caution.” All of these losses tug at our hearts as we mourn the many deaths of what was and grieve what else we might lose as the pandemic continues and we enter into the red zone. 2020 also invites us to strip away what no longer serves our greatest good, our relationship with God. What are the two coins I am willing to drop in the treasury? What part of my whole livelihood do I want to adjust? If Jesus asks, “What do you want?” can I freely respond, “Lord, (I am one of your children) that longs to see your face?”