Dear Parishioners of St. Anne, The Provincial Government’s announcement last Friday, moving all Ontario health units into shutdown and the grey zone, has reduced our Church capacity for all Masses and liturgies to 15%, while maintaining social distancing. For us at St Anne, 15% is 55 people. Because we want to be able to welcome all those who wish to attend, it is now necessary to register for the Saturday 4:00 pm Mass and for the Sunday 9:30 pm Mass, with registration on a first-come-first-serve basis. If it becomes necessary, we will add a second 9:30 am Sunday Mass in the Parish Hall, as we did for Easter Sunday.
You may register in many different ways:
by phoning the parish office at 519-745-5302 and leaving a message
When registering, please indicate which Mass you wish to attend, your name (first and last), your telephone number, the number of people from your household who will be attending with you, and their names. Your registration is confirmed unless you hear to the contrary.
Please spread the word. If you have family members, friends or neighbours whom you think would like to attend weekend Mass at St. Anne, and who may not be receiving this message, please let them know about our registration process.
As a reminder, Bishop Crosby has offered a dispensation of our Easter Duty. We know parishioners will make wise choices according to the circumstances.
Have a blessed Easter Season! The Pastoral Team of St. Anne