First Reading: Acts 4:23-31
Psalm 2
Gospel: John 3:1-8
Jesus said to Nicodemus: “
Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit” (Jn 3,5). Baptism is our entry into unending life, by joining ourselves to Christ’s work of redemption. Born into a race of humankind, we inherit blessings and curses, as well good and evil. But we also inherit its glorious opportunity to be spared from evil.
It was Christ who conquered Satan’s hold on our race. In Christ’s saving Cross, sin died and the new life of grace was born. Christ built the new bridge to eternal life. So, we join Him in a similar passage through death to life in the sacrament of Baptism.
Baptism begins our active share in the redeeming work of Jesus Himself. We must continue this great experience of passing through death to life, in our own lives, day by day. We must keep putting to death the old self in us and put on the new person, risen and glorified by the work of Christ in us. All of us are called by God to the new life in Christ Jesus.
With boldness and firm faith of the Apostles, and the search for eternal life like Nicodemus, we need to confront our inner motives and outlook of our belief and fellowship with the Lord of History. As part of this globe, we face the challenges of the pandemic crisis. I believe, God has always a plan for His creatures. I am sure God wants each one of us to walk by fixing our whole being toward Him, the creator.
At this particular time, we are asked to increase and deepen our relationship more with our family members and the all the family of God. Let’s have the daring courage to change our lives like the Apostles, after the experience of the Risen Lord.
May God shake our hearts and fill us with power of the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Mussie