In this fourth week of Easter, we continue reading from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Today we read about the growth of the Church in Asia minor around the areas of Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch. The Church was growing beyond the Jewish people to other parts of the world. This gives strength to our faith and confidence that we are on the right path to salvation. St Barnabas is sent twice the city of Antioch and there he finds St. Paul and spends a year with him teaching and preaching. It is there that we are first called "Christians".
Our Gospel reading is again from St. John: Jesus tries to prove who he is, the promised Messiah, the Son of God.
He gives us a glimpse into the existence of the Holy Trinity, when he tells the leaders of the Jewish people that "the Father and I are one". Again, this gives strength to our faith. For 2,000 years our faith remains the same, and the teaching of the Apostles continues to guide us on the road to Salvation. Let us pray for the continued growth of the Church, as we did last Sunday, World Day of Prayer for Vocations, praying for vocations to ministries in the church.