First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9a;
Psalm 69;
Gospel: Matthew 26:14-26
The first reading from Isaiah reminds us of the blessings from God when we stand together and face our adversaries. He is with us at our side at all times. "the Lord God helps me". In the second part of the scripture, the prophet makes reference to the suffering of Jesus.
In the responsorial Psalm we hear the words "For the Lord hears the needy, and does not despise his own", thus, giving us hope that he hears our prayers and answers them.
In the Gospel we read the account of the betrayal of Judas, giving up Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. All through the passage Jesus never stopped loving Judas and giving him a chance for forgiveness. During this time of Holy Week, we continue to trust and believe in the forgiveness of Jesus. We count on His love as He died and rose for us. As Jesus said, "the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many". Let us continue to pray and believe in the love of Jesus as we face this pandemic and pray that he will deliver us from all harm and distress.
God bless you.
Fr. Tom