Readings Isaiah 45:6-8,18,21-25; Psalm 85; Lk 7:19-23 Sisters and Brothers, I would like us to reflect on John the Baptist: he is sending two of his disciples to assure them WHO Jesus is. What about us? Whom are we waiting for and for what? Let’s continue our reflection of today’s Gospel.
One of the greatest ways that the transforming power of the Gospel is proclaimed, is through the works accomplished by our Lord.In the Gospel Jesus points to the works He has done to answer a question about His identity. John’s disciples asked Jesus if He was the Messiah. Jesus response is that lives have been changed: the blind, lame, deaf and dead received miracles of God’s grace that were done for all to see.
Though the physical miracles of Jesus would have been awe-inspiring in every way, we should not see these miracles as actions that were done once, long ago, and no longer happen. The truth is that there are many ways that these same transforming actions continue to take place today in each one of us.Start with your own life. How have you been changed by the transforming power of Christ? How has He opened your eyes and ears to see and hear Him? How has He lifted your burdens and spiritual ills? How has He brought you from the death of despair to a new life of hope?
We all need the saving power of God in our lives. And when God acts on us, changes us, heals us and transforms us, it must be seen first as an act from our Lord to us. But secondly, we must also see every action of Christ in our lives as something that God wants to be shared with others. The transformation of our lives must become an ongoing testament to the power of God and the power of the Gospel. Others need to see how God has changed us and we must seek to humbly be an open book of God’s power. Therefore, we could reflect today upon this Gospel scene that these disciples of John are actually the many people we encounter every day. Perhaps people are coming to us, desiring to know if the God we love and serve is the God whom they should follow. How could we respond and give testimony to Christ Jesus to them? Blessings. Fr. Mussie