Readings: Isaiah 26: 1-6; Psalm 118; Matthew 7: 21, 24-27 The month of December is usually full of religious events: novenas to Our Lady, Christmas novenas, catechesis of all kinds. In the end, everything becomes in vain if we do not do God's will. Prayers, devotions, meetings help us to reach salvation, but only if the words of the Lord, entering from one ear, do not come out of the other, Therefore, believing is not enough to save us, we must also do what the Lord asks of us.
The Word of God must be the foundation that sustains all our actions: we must not read it or repeat it like parrots: we must strive to meditate on it and make it our own, in order to become, Christians consistent and pleasing to the good Lord. We must do al that is possible so our behavior and attitudes are compatible with the faith we say profess.
Those who have decided to follow Jesus cannot think of leading the life they led before meeting him. If we throw a tantrum and love comfort, we continue to build our lives on sand. And what happens then, when we are meet disappointment, difficulty, misfortune? It happens that our house collapses like a house built on sand. It is true that it is not easy today to follow the path traced by Jesus. We don't have time to listen to God and do His will. When it goes well, we give him a few crumbs and perhaps we are also convinced that we have given him who knows what. Poor Jesus!
Let's ask the Lord for a humble and obedient heart to increase our faith, to give us light to understand His will. Let us commit ourselves to take Jesus and his commandment seriously: "love one another as I have loved you". Love is like the concrete for the foundation of our life. Often, we use the word too easily. Every sincere person knows when they are acting selfishly and when they are attentive and caring towards others. Love is putting ourselves aside and being happy even if with sacrifice we have managed to arouse a smile on the face of a brother or sister. Loving Father, help us to see our lives and our actions in the light of Your will and Your Truth.