By becoming human, Jesus enters the darkness of the world’s sin and into our lives to show us the Father’s love and give us His grace. He is a light shining for us: through Him we know the truth about the Father. We who believe in Him are now children of God.
In the first reading, John speaks of the antichrists who have appeared and that they were never really in their number. John encouraged the community to be firm in their faith by the power of the Holy Spirit with which they were anointed.
The same John in the first chapter of his Gospel says of Jesus: “In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God…what has come into being in Him was LIFE and life was the LIGHT of all people. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it”.
Christ was born to be our LIFE and LIGHT. Where there is spiritual Light, the Light of God’s grace, the darkness of evil is dispelled. So, a Christian can say in all truth and honesty, Jesus is my Life and Light. Christ Jesus is our Light when we reconcile with a person. For Christ said: before you bring your gift to the altar, go first and be reconciled to your brother or sister.
Christ is our Light when we listen to others and truly try to understand them. Christ Jesus is our Light when we express our gratitude for the goodness others show us. For Jesus said; were not ten lepers made clean? Where are the other nine? We can meditate a lot about Jesus as the true Light of our Life when we are open and try to welcome Him into our hearts, our family and our neighbor. “He came to what was His own and His own people did not accept Him…But to all who received Him… gave the power to become children of God”.Let the Spirit and the joy of Christmas dwell fully in us so that Christ Jesus may grow in us in His wisdom and grace and help us become true children of God.