The optimism of Jesus is evident. He trusts in his work, and believes in his power. the word that comes out of God's mouth will not return without effect, For the Word to produce fruit it is enough to sow it, announcing the Gospel: the rest comes by itself. it is self-sufficient: it has in itself everything necessary to become a ripe ear. Thus, the kingdom of God announced by the Word.
Our Christian task is evangelization: the rest does not depend on him, but on whoever accepts the Word. Paul wrote: "I planted, Apollos irrigated, but it is God who made grow”. It is not our action that produces the Kingdom, but the very power of God, hidden in the seed of his word. So many of our anxieties for good are not only not useful, but harmful.
The effectiveness of the gospel is the opposite of worldly efficiency. The kingdom of God is God's. Jesus sowed the Word, and he himself is the seed of God sown in the field of history. He just needs to find a prepared land that welcomes him. The coming of the kingdom of God is not so much hindered by the wickedness of the wicked, but by the stupidity of the good. Our spiritual inexperience is the enemy's greatest ally. The devil gives us so much zeal when we lack evangelical experience, because we use for the coming of the kingdom of God those means that the Lord rejected as temptations: success, publicity, efficiency and greatness.
Jesus is the greatness of God who made himself small for us until death on the cross. This overcomes the evil of the world, which is the desire for greatness and power. Who loves makes himself small to make room for Him. We, in imitation of Jesus, must incarnate ourselves in the situation of those who do not understand or are unable to convert quickly and to stand constantly, reminding us that once we were in the same conditions and, perhaps, we still are.
The evangelizer acts like Jesus: his attitude is dictated by mercy and compassion. He addresses everyone, good and bad, willing and indisposed. Let's praise God for the mysterious power His Word has to grow our faith and bring new life to those we share it with. Amen. Abba Meskel