It’s human nature to believe we are the ones in charge of our lives, especially when things go well. Today’s reading however, reminds us that God is the one who accomplishes all good things in us. The Assyrians thought themselves to be great and almighty. But the Lord, through the prophet Isaiah, compared their boasting to an axe that cannot cut a tree by its own power but by the power of the one who holds it and makes it fulfil the work. For the proverb says that, people plan but God fulfills it.
In the Gospel, Jesus reminds his disciples and each one of us, that the wise and knowledgeable cannot find God of their own accord, but by becoming like little children, humbling and opening their hearts to God. Jesus compares the little ones, the disciples, with the educated ones especially with the Scribes/teachers and Pharisees who refused to believe even the miracle being performed: they asked for further signs. Unbelievable!
Jesus clearly proclaimed the Good News, the revelation of His kingdom to all and accompanied it with miracles. Nonetheless, only the simple had accepted it and received the insight given by the Father.
Today, we live in a rapidly changing world. However, we need to open ourselves to accept the new ways that Gospel messages bring us. Therefore, let us graciously thank God for whatever insight He gives us that may enable us to read the signs of our times in order to comprehend God’s work in us and in our world.