Readings: Genesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45-1.5; Psalm 105; Matthew 10:7-15
In our first reading we continue the story of Joseph in Egypt, and how he makes himself known to his brothers. Like yesterday he puts love in place of revenge. He forgives his brothers for trying to kill him. This is a foretaste of what Jesus did for us, by dying on the cross to save us from our sins. Joseph says to his brothers, “And now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve your life." The lesson of the story is to show that forgiveness liberates both the one who forgives and the one forgiven. Our response to this is: “Remember the marvels the Lord has done.”
The Gospel is the seven words of Jesus: "The reign of God is at hand." Jesus sends out the apostles to proclaim the Good News. He sends them with nothing but the ability to cast out demons and heal the sick. The work of the Apostles goes on through the Church and all its activities. We need to remember the words said about Jesus, “He went about doing good.” As members of the Church we, too, are called to do good every day of our lives. Be strong and take courage for the Lord is with us, we are on the road to salvation together.