Jesus has only one desire: that all men live with his same faith, that is, that they are free to love even from the cross, which is sickness, suffering, death, injustice, oppression, bad and wicked exercise of authority. Jesus wants us to live with total trust in his Go. To do this we need a mature, adult faith, daily enlightened and supported, strengthened by prayer.
Jesus cries out the truth that must be of every man. However, man is always needed in his historical situation and condition of faith and love. This is the true greatness of Jesus: having always combined the two needs: that of God who wants a man capable of trusting him even on Golgotha and that of his brothers, still incapable by nature, to live their whole history in its tragic nature of death and suffering. We are called to make the new man. But we all find ourselves in front of an old, weak, poor, small man, full of many spiritual and physical miseries. Jesus came precisely to save this man. To this man Jesus must reveal the greatness of his mercy, of his charity, of his love for us.
The official comes to Jesus with the burden of his human love. His child is about to die. He needs to be saved. Jesus tells him with words that are almost reproachful and with a strong reminder that true faith is also the acceptance of death. It is human love to despair in the face of death. Instead of true, divine love, it is to welcome death and offer it to God for the purification of one's own sins and of the whole world. This man is not yet capable of living in divine love in an exclusive way. He still thrives on human love. This is Jesus' pedagogy: he reveals the depths of divine love, he works according to the insufficiency of human love.
Jesus indicates the way of true salvation. He helps the little man in love so that he may resume the path towards full and perfect love. Today this double dynamism of redemption has almost completely disappeared. We live in a religion unable to create true faith in hearts. We are all busy doing all sorts of miracles for the body. We do our utmost for it. The one who suffers, on the other hand, is the soul and the spirit. Jesus with divine wisdom helps the body of man, but with as much divine wisdom in the Holy Spirit he illumines minds and hearts so that they open to the true faith, from which is the true salvation of man: salvation of the body, of the soul, of the spirit, salvation in time and eternity.