Readings: Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 71; John 13: 21-33,36-38
The prophet Isaiah speaks about the suffering servant who will save Israel from her sins as a fulfilment of the promise made to Moses. As we go through Holy Week, we are following the final days of Jesus before his resurrection. These days are full of the suffering and death of Jesus. Let us keep praying with Jesus and thank him for all he has done for us. The prophet tells the people God will restore the survivors of Israel. This is the beginning of the new covenant of God with us new people, that is we Christians.
The Responsorial Psalm sings of God’s salvation. We are called to sing of his wondrous
deeds for all time.
In the gospel St. John gives us the first part of the Last Supper. Judas goes away before he gives the rest of the Apostles his body and blood at the First Eucharist before he dies on the cross for us. Jesus tells St Peter the he is going away and the apostles will follow him at a later time. He is returning to the Father in heaven, to the place we are all called after our journey here on earth to be with Jesus and the Father forever; In this time that we
remember the death and Resurrection of Jesus let us pray for all those who have gone
before us.