Today is the feast of St. Martin of Tours who gave his cloak to a poor man and had Jesus return it to him the next day. St. Martin was full of love for his neighbor.
Our first reading is from St. Paul to his beloved Titus who has become bishop. So, Paul reminds Titus of his responsibility of treating all with love. He reminds Titus of the love of God for all of us. That love is to be reflected in our dealings with one another. Christ saved us all because of his love and mercy. Christ has made us full of grace and called each one of us to share in his resurrection.
In the Gospel we have the wonderful story of the 10 lepers and how Jesus loves them and cures them all. After going to the temple and showing the priest they are clean of the leprosy so they can return to their families. But only one who is not Jewish returns to Jesus to thank him. Let us not be like the other nine and not show gratitude to Jesus for all he has done for us, and all he will do for us in the future.
Let us follow the good example of St. Martin and show our love of neighbor by our lives. Let us be full of good deeds.
Take care and God bless.
Fr. Tom