Readings: Revelation 4:1-11; Psalm 150; Luke 19:11-23
In today’s Gospel parable, a nobleman, going to a distance land, invests in his servants: he gives each one a pound to “invest” and says, “Do business with these until I come back.” On his return, two servants give back more than they were given – one ten pounds, the other 5 – but one was afraid of the master: he kept it in a piece cloth to protect it and was able to give the master exactly what he had received. The two with a return on the investment are understandably rewarded, praised for their resourcefulness. The master entrusts them with greater responsibility after their good job.
The servant who returns his coin intact, is not praised: he is reprimanded for not increasing his wealth. The others increased, even doubled the money, and this one didn’t. Maybe he thought he would be praised for not losing the money, but that was the minimal standard. Returning the coins was the least he could do. He didn’t show any initiative. He didn’t go above and beyond. The others took a risk and their efforts bore fruit. If their investments had not paid off, they might have ended up with less money, or even no money. That would be bad but it would have proved they tried and that was better than the third servant who was afraid of the owner. He chose to take the safer route and preserve the money so he wouldn’t have to explain a potential loss. If he got in trouble for returning the exact amount, what would have happened if he had lost the money?
On our life-journey, we are those servants. What will we do with the talents God has given us? (And not just the material, physical ones: what about the spiritual gifts – compassion, love, kindness, patience, honesty, humility …) Will our efforts bear fruit that lasts, making the best use of our gifts, giving back more than we were given? Putting our best foot forward? Saving our own lives is the least we can do: the best we can do is to appreciate and take advantage of what has been entrusted to us to use our hearts and minds to give glory to God and to help each other. We should be like the enterprising servants who take a risk, but return even more than they were given. Life is risky and uncertain, but we need to actively do our very best. And we have to act now. We can’t bury our talents. We don’t know when we will be held accountable. Will we waste our lives, or use our talents to make a greater return to God by building up God’ Kingdom, a Reign of peace and joy?