Today we celebrate the feast of St Therese of the Child Jesus, known also as “the little flower”. She entered the Carmelite sisters of Lisieux in France at the age of 15. Therese held special devotions to the Heart of Jesus and to the spiritual Motherhood of Mary. She lived a life of humility, evangelical simplicity and trust in God. Though her life spanned only 24 years, her faith and simplicity were remarkable. She is a doctor of the Church and patron of Missions.
In the first reading, Job laments that his friend’s advice is insufficient, for no one knows the ways of God; yet, he will trust God’s loving mercy, regardless of the advice of his friends and the sufferings inflicted on him. He says: “For I know that my Redeemer lives… I shall see God and my eyes shall behold him and not another. My heart faints within me”.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends out disciples two by two, curing the sick and preaching that the kingdom of God is near. For “The harvest is plentiful but laborers are few…”. They must be emptied of self and filled with Christ; their hearts must be enlarged and deepened that God’s presence may fill them. Jesus enjoins on Christians the duty to pray to God for apostles of great zeal and holiness. He says: “Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest”.Though the harvest is plentiful and the owner sends out laborers to gather it, the enemy is always busy: there is continual danger to the good work of God’s servants. He says: “I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves”.
In the end, we rejoice at the great courage and charity of God’s people. We are also glad at the spread of Christ’s kingdom on earth and for all the good things brought by faith and love of Christ. However, we need to pray for great openness on the part of all the listeners. May their lives be guided by the Gospel of the Lord. Blessings. Fr. Mussie