This parable should speak to us far more than we realize. It should be a source of great encouragement to us all as we seek to build up the Kingdom of God through apostolic works.The mustard seed is very small: it can seem very insignificant. Though small, it has the potency to become a big tree that birds can build their nests and shelter in it. It can grow into a tree upwards of 20 feet tall. Jesus uses this parable to teach us many lessons. One such lesson is that of our apostolic works of charity. For most people, they may strive to love and serve others in every small way they can, and they fail to see the abundance of good fruit born from their efforts. When this happens, some may become discouraged and lose zeal for the spreading of the Gospel. If this is you, then consider the mustard seed? Planting this small seed is representative of much of our apostolic endeavors. God calls us to do small acts of kindness, share our faith in subtle and even hidden ways, serve out of love even when it is unnoticed, and to do so without ceasing. Do these small acts bear fruit for the Kingdom of God? If you believe this parable of the mustard seed, then the answer must be a resounding “Yes.” Often in life, we will never see the full effects our actions have on others. Our negative influence will affect them far more than we realize. Our acts of charity, by which we share our faith, will also affect people far more than we realize. Believing in the message of this Parable of the Mustard Seed should lead us to believe that planting those small seeds of faith, through our charity, virtues, and words, will bear an abundance of good fruit, far more than we may ever know, until we enter the glories of Heaven.