Scripture Reflection – The Annunciation. Wednesday March 25
by Abba Meskel
Readings for the Solemnity of the Annunciation
There are many things to celebrate today and many things for which we should be eternally grateful. First and foremost, we, celebrate the profound fact that God loves us so much that He became one of us. The fact that God looks on our human nature is worthy of rejoicing and celebration! If we only understood what this meant! If we could only understand the effect of this incredible event in history! That God became a human being in the womb of the Blessed Virgin is a gift beyond comprehension. It is a gift that elevates humanity to the realm of the divine. God and man are united in this glorious event and we should be forever grateful.
It is interesting to note that our Blessed Mother was told:"you will conceive in your womb and bear a son ..." She was not asked by the angel if she was willing: rather, she was told what would happen. Why is that the case?
It happened this way because the Mary said “yes” to God throughout her life. Never was there a moment when she said “no” to God. Her perpetual yes to God enabled the angel Gabriel to tell her that she "will conceive."
Today we are invited to hear God's announcement to us. We are asked to accept what God has planned for us. We may not know fully where it leads and what lies ahead. The message is being given; we can respond by saying "let it be." The choice is ours.
As concerns mount about the spread of the coronavirus, we cannot afford to ignore it. But in the midst of every crisis, we ought to see an opportunity to accept the love of Jesus and the hope we find in Him. When things are darkest, that's when the light of Jesus shines brightest.
While we do not want to panic, we do want to be wise, discerning, and safe. The coronavirus outbreak brings with it very real and practical health concerns with gatherings of people. We need to have faith, but we also need to be smart and wise. Therefore, we must stay at home following literally the directives of our religious and civil authorities.
May the Blessed Mother intercede for us!