In the readings, the table of God’s Word is spread before the faithful, and the treasures of the Bible are opened to them. (GIRM 57)
Ministers of the Word lead in our community by proclaiming Scripture and the Prayers of the Faithful at each Mass. Hearing God's Living Word allows us to reflect and respond.
Anyone who has been Confirmed is welcome to inquire about becoming a Minister of the Word (sometimes also known as a Lector). Please speak to Father Brian or Father Mussie. Training and ongoing formation are provided. Rotating schedules are created several times per year.
I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35)
Those who have been confirmed and are 16 years of age and older are welcome to inquire about becoming a Eucharistic minister. Please speak to Father Brian or Father Mussie. Training and ongoing formation are provided. Rotating schedules are created several times per year.
Ministers of the Eucharist also assist with bringing the Lord to our brothers and sisters who are homebound or in care homes. If you are interested in carrying our Lord to those in need, or helping with Eucharistic celebrations at A.R. Goudie nursing home, please contact the parish.
The Children's Liturgy program is offered to children age 4 to grade 2 at the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays from September to May. The children are invited forward before the First Reading, process downstairs to the meeting room for their liturgy, and then return to sit with their families after the Prayer of the faithful. The program is delivered each week by two adult volunteers who have been screened. At this time each committee member volunteers roughly twice a month. Those interested in volunteering to lead or be an assistant can contact the parish office by phone or email.
This ministry is open to all who have received their First Communion. Please contact our youth minister, Mary, if you are interested in being trained for this important role during Mass.
Led by our organist, Sean Simpson, this ministry provides leadership in music during liturgical celebrations. If you would like to join, please speak with Sean after Mass, or contact the parish office.
We are the group that brings you Coffee Sunday, Spaghetti Dinner, St. Anne Feast, and other social activities. We meet most months for about an hour on Monday nights in the Meeting Room. Our meetings are always in the bulletin. If you would like to join us you can contact our chair Louise , or talk to any committee member during a Coffee Sunday, the third Sunday of the month from September to June. We always welcome new members. If you do not want to come to meetings but want to help with particular activities that is welcome too. Hope to see you soon!
The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. Pope Francis has advised us to have personal contact with the poor. The members of our St. Vincent de Paul society fulfill this directive by providing food vouchers to families every weekday of the month. Each week we serve approximately 18 to 20 families. If you, or someone you know is in need of food hampers, please contact St Vincent de Paul at 519-745-3324.
We are always in need of volunteers. If interested you can contact Enzo Carli, President of St. Anne’s St Vincent de Paul, by calling the Church office.
This ministry endeavours to strengthen authentic Catholic teaching and faith in the community. Our parish also has a lending library in the front entrance, and resources for purchase.
If you are interested in helping to prepare children for First Reconciliation and First Communion or youth for Confirmation, please contact Father Brian or Mary. We are always looking for Catholics who are strong in their faith and willing to help us offer catechesis to our next generation. This is an excellent ministry for those who enjoy spending time with families, children and youth. We provide formation - you will not be asked to teach or present information above your comfort level.
Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation meet aproximately once a month from October to May. All volunteers must be screened according to Diocesan Policies.
Do you enjoy working with young families? Is Baptism a sacrament you feel particular joy toward? Consider joining this ministry team who helps parents prepare for and appeciate the gift of Baptism! Members of the Baptism team generally meet once with each family on a rotating basis (frequency varries by number of Baptisms).
Contact the Parish office for more information. All volunteers must be screened according to Diocesan Policies.